

Hiya! #Adulting is hard. WAH! ;__; So how does one take a 'lil break from said 'adulting'? Make an Egoshipping website, OF COURSE!  Check out egoshipper.com! it's currently being jam-packed with ego-tastic stories, art and more. I am just getting the site off the ground, so if you have any ego love to share... lemme know so I can include it! ^_^ I aim to have a section for all ego fan fiction and arts, etc.

I have also been busy writing my new fan fiction 'Nursing Professor Pompous' and totally remastering my story 'Shaving Shard' from it's original version. Other stories are in the works now. My imagination has been in overdrive. ^_^

I have commissioned fan art for some of my old stories, as well as for some upcoming ones. Stay tuned, as several new arts will be added over March and April!

Best wishes and be back soon . . . . Maia's Pen

Art by Wooserr for story 'Nursing Professor Pompous'
Art by Wooserr for story 'Nursing Professor Pompous'
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Mystic Force, Xander, Power Rangers, Vida

Egoshipping Christmas Story

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  I wanted to let you guys all know that even though FiLiSU hasn't been updated as of yet, I did publish a new holiday fic. this year, and as with past stories it does feature Egoshipping (3 Days was the exception).  The link is below, and I hope that you enjoy it!
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  • Current Music
    Arabian Nights by Chipz
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After four years...

So after an unintentional FOUR YEARS of disappearing from livejournal, fanfiction, the egoshippy world in general...I have decided this summer before grad school might be my last chance to finish an old egoshippy fanfic that never really left my mind but I simply had no time to work on. The entire skeleton plan has been done, and the existing six chapters edited, rewritten and in many places expanded (necessitating three new chapters) to fit the intended new direction of this story. If there are any old readers still here I hope I'll be able to stick to my word and meet expectations.

maias_pen if you're still here, this is for you! Coming across Irresistible Ego on a procrastination trawl through our old baby here on livejournal was definitely a huge factor in me getting bitten by the writing bug again.

So, once again, and to genuinely be completed in near due course...

Author: nikegoddess_/ paintedbynumbers (on ff.net)
Pairing: Misty/Gary/Ash
Genre: Adventure, Mystery, Crime, Drama, (Romance)
Rating: Teen 
Summary: When Gary unwittingly saves Misty’s life one night, he gets hurled into a web of mystery and danger he never expected. Why is Misty on the run? Who are her sinister masked assailants? And was their unlikely meeting more than just coincidence?

Read on ff.net

And some commemorative Gary squee:
Mystic Force, Xander, Power Rangers, Vida

Update on Life in General and "FiLiSU"

So, as I said on my personal journal (if anyone dares read it, that is) real life took a real toll on me this year, and a lot of things happened that I'm honestly not 100% comfortable talking about yet, even to myself.  Suffice it to say, unfortunately, my fanfiction and love of writing fell to the wayside and I'm desperately trying to get it back.

Back in October before everything went to figurative and, possibly, literal hell I managed to update "FiLiSU;" the link is to follow.  I hope you enjoy it; attention's back on Gary and his group.

Also, I want to take the time to recognize LiliNeko for her brilliant portrayal of my story "FiLiSU" with her fanmade cover.  It is beyond magnificent; take a look!

Isn't it magnificent?  Please check out the rest of her drawings; Gary and Misty are certainly not forgotten in Lili's gallery!

Thanks again for being patient with me.

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gary so so hottt


Okay, so it took me a entire year . . . *sweatdrop* but Irresistible Ego is COMPLETE! What a good feeling it is! 

[If you are ever on here _nikegoddess/paintedynumbers, this one is for you. ^_^]

Irresistible Ego <-- Click to read on ff.net!
By maias_pen

SUMMARY: Everyone's having a great time at Ash's wedding, except Gary Oak. It's hard to have fun when you're being pestered by fan-girls; your date dumps you for Brock and your babysitting Misty Waterflower - an irresistible beauty and a brazen drunk. 
RATING: PG-13 / Teen
WARNINGS:  Adult innuendos/situations and alcohol use. If you are uncomfortable with 'sexual humor' you may not want to read, just sayin'.
Shipping: Egoshipping
Length: 3 Chapters
Status: COMPLETE! 

  • Current Mood
    awake awake
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Hi all ^^ I just wanted to show you guys about my contributions to egoshipping :)
Here's the website to my art. I have a BUNCH of egoshipping there ^^
Art: http://xo2angelitaxo.deviantart.com/

I am currently working on a very dramatic story called "What I Could've Had" Dealing with Green Oak, Gary Oak's counterpart and Misty Waterflower. (mangaegoshipping/pandershipping)
:iconmistywhatplz:Misty Waterflower, a bridesmaid, has a little secret. She's in love with her best friend, Blue's groom, Green Oak.:icondatgaryplz: Though Blue:iconpokemonleafplz: also has a secret. 10 days left before the big day. Read how this wedding unfolds.


That's all ^^ I hope you like them! And I will make more egoshipping stories! >W<
The stories much better than the summary >>
  • Current Mood
    hyper hyper

Fanfic: Not Really Changed

Hi! Egoshipper here deciding to stop lurking and trying to contribute to the ship. Starting with a one-shot.

Title: Not Really Changed
Author: Fossie/mollypear
Rating: K+

Warnings (if any): None.
Summary: He saw her on TV. A not very interesting educational show. Her opening line: "Hi, I'm Misty Wallflower, and I love Cerulean City!"

You can read it here, on ff.net.
Mystic Force, Xander, Power Rangers, Vida

Exciting News!

Exciting news, fellow Egoshippers!  The illustrious Maia's Pen's brilliant fic. "Watch Your Back" has been recommended as a fanfic. of choice on the website "TV Tropes".  I stumbled across it a few days ago, and was totally awed and pleased.  Us egoshippers have come so far since we began all those years ago, and I felt that everyone should know about it.  The link's below and the recommendation is towards the end of the page under the subheading "Shippings".  Congrats Maia!
